Wheat & Gluten Allergy

Wheat is the most allergenic of all grains, in part because it has an array of proteins that have been shown to cause allergic reactions: gluten, albumin, gliadin, and globulin.

Gluten is present in any wheat-based foods. It is also added to some foods that are based on other grains. Wheat-sensitive people may need to avoid products that contain any grain flours because it is likely that gluten is still present. Even gluten-free products can contain traces of gluten.

Buckwheat is a safe alternative to for those allergic to wheat as are products that are made from corn or oats. There are also many specialty foods designed for gluten-sensitive individuals. Barley, maize, rice, and rye are safe alternatives for most, but there are some known cross-reactions, so they should be approached with care. Consult with a NYC allergist to determine a safe wheat allergy food list for you.

Wheat Allergy Foods To Avoid

Alcohol/ Beer Wine Baked Goods Baking Mixes
Bread Cereals Couscous Pasta
Gravy Condiments Soy Sauce Flour
Deli Meats Starches Ice Cream Candy
Malt MSG Crackers Kamut

Wheat Allergy Symptoms

  • Hives or wheat allergy rash
  • Nausea, indigestion, stomach pain
  • Asthma
  • Severe headaches
  • Anaphylaxis

This allergy is dominant in children and many of them outgrow it before adulthood, though it is a  lifelong condition for some individuals. Wheat allergy reactions are usually mild. However, they can become more severe over time. Some symptoms of a wheat allergy are also characteristic of a gluten intolerance. So, it’s important to visit an allergist to determine whether you are truly allergic or just suffer from a sensitivity.

Wheat Allergy Diagnosis

Because wheat allergies can be mistaken for a wheat intolerance, a blood test is most recommended to diagnose them. An allergy blood test can detect the presence of immunoglobulin E (IgE), an antibody that your immune system develops in reaction to a specific allergen. This test is convenient and safe. Our allergists will send you to a nearby lab to have your blood drawn and tested. There aren’t any special preparations necessary for a blood test and results are usually accurate. Contact NY Allergy & Sinus Centers to diagnose your allergy today.

Wheat Allergy Treatment

Treating a wheat or gluten allergy requires strict avoidance. With more gluten-free products on the market now, it’s easier to manage this allergy if gluten is the protein that’s responsible for your allergy. In the event that you experience an allergic reaction, allergy medications can help soothe mild symptoms. Consult with your allergist to determine which medications are best for your condition.

If your allergic reaction to wheat is more severe, you need an epinephrine auto-injector. Epinephrine is currently the only treatment for anaphylaxis. Having your epinephrine auto-injector with you at all times is required when suffering from a severe food allergy. It’s also important to train your friends and family to administer it in case you aren’t able to.

For help with your (or your child’s) wheat allergy or gluten sensitivity, call NY Allergy & Sinus Centers today at 212-686-6321. Our allergists can help you find relief for your nasal and sinus problems, asthma, respiratory allergies, and skin conditions. We have access to the latest testing and treatment, and we offer convenient asthma and allergy clinics throughout NYC. We see pediatric and adult patients from all over the New York City metropolitan area. Our NYC allergists are here to help!

Wheat & Gluten Allergy Frequently Asked Questions

Are Gluten-free Products Safe for Those With a Wheat Allergy?

If your allergy stems from gluten, then gluten-free products may be safe to consume. However, if you’re allergic to the other proteins in wheat, these products are not safe. It’s best to avoid all products that may contain wheat if you suffer from a wheat allergy.

Can I Be Allergic to Wheat?

Anyone can be allergic to wheat. If you experience symptoms of wheat allergy, contact our NYC allergists.

How is Wheat Allergy Diagnosed?

Wheat allergy is diagnosed with allergy tests, such as a wheat allergy patch test or blood test.

How is Wheat Allergy Treated?

An allergist can treat your symptoms with antihistamines and epinephrine.

If I Have a Wheat Allergy, Does That Mean I have Celiac Disease?

No, wheat allergy is not the same as celiac disease. Celiac disease is an immune reaction to eating gluten. It is the inability to digest gluten. People that are allergic to wheat may be allergic to other proteins or chemicals in wheat. Just because gluten or wheat makes you sick, it doesn’t mean you have celiac disease. Contact your doctor for a diagnosis.

If I’m Allergic to Wheat, Can I Still Eat Oats?

Some people with a wheat allergy are also allergic to oats because of cross-reactivity. Consult with your allergist to determine if you can safely consume oats.

Is Wheat Allergy Curable?

No, wheat allergy is not curable. However, a food allergy specialist can help you manage your wheat allergy sensitivity.

Is Wheat Allergy the Same as Gluten Sensitivity?

No, a wheat allergy indicates an allergic reaction due to an adverse response of your immune system. A gluten sensitivity involves the digestive system.

Why Are People Allergic to Wheat?

Wheat has an array of proteins, gluten, albumin, gliadin, and globulin, that the immune system considers harmful in some individuals.